Running and editing queries

  1. Select a query from the Recent queries drop-down list.

The Recent queries drop-down list displays a history of 5 queries that you have created.

  1. Click Run.

In the query pane, infinite scroll expires after 45 seconds. You must run the query again.

  1. Click + Add.
  2. Enter a name in the Saved search name field.
  3. Modify the query in the Query pane.
  4. Click Validate.
  5. Click Create.

The modified new query name is created.

  1. Click Download.

The query table results are downloaded as a .csv file.


Only 10 thousand records are downloaded.

You can also add a new widget after modifying the existing query from this window.

  1. Click the widget in the right pane and follow the process from step 4.