
Standard Dashboard

Logging in to your SixthSense Observability portal will take you to the home page where the standard dashboard is displayed by default similar to the following screen.

standard dashboard - beta

Working with a Standard Dashboard

Use the following to work your way through the dashboard.

  This is the home page when you login. Click this icon on the left pane from any other page to take you to the home page.
  Click this button to add a new dashboard.
Select dashboard:The Standard dashboard is selected by default. The list of dashboards you have created are displayed here. The Standard Beta option in this drop-down list displays a new set of widgets. For more information, see Standard Dashboard Beta. Note: You can edit or delete the dashboards you have created from this drop-down list.
  Click this icon to make the dashboard you selected in the Select dashboard: drop down list as default.
  Click this icon to take you to the SixthSense Observability documentation.
  Select the time from the drop-down list for refreshing the data in the dashboards.
  Select the time range of the data you would like to view. You can also select Custom from the list and specify the From and To date and time to view data during the selected period as in the following screen. Click Apply to save the selection.
  Each widget displays 5 rows per page. Click the    icon to view the next 5
Custom date picker

Capability Dashboards

Following capability dashboards are available for you to comprehend at a glance when you select Standard Dashboard from the Select dashboard drop-down list.

Application Performance Monitoring

The APM dashboard displays the following metrics for your applications.

NameApplication name
  If enabled, APM infra correlation is present for this application. Clicking this icon will take you to the Infrastructure details page for the selected instance.
AlertsNumber of alerts the application receives.
Error%Percentage of errors occurring on a particular application.
ApdexApdex score calculated based on the performance of the application.
Calls/minNumber of calls the application is receiving per minute.

Browser Monitoring

The Browser Monitoring dashboard displays the following metrics for your applications.

NameApplication name.
ApdexApdex score calculated based on the performance of the application.
Users impactedNumber of users impacted by errors.
ErrorsNumber of errors.
Load time(ms)The load time taken by the application.
Calls/minNumber of calls to the application per minute.

Mobile Monitoring

The Mobile Monitoring dashboard displays the following metrics for your applications.

NameApplication name.
AlertsNumber of alerts the application receives.
CrashesNumber of crashes that occurred.
Error rate(%)Percentage of error-free users.
Avg. HTTP response timeThis KPI shows the average response time taken in seconds.

VM Monitoring

The VM Monitoring dashboard displays the following metrics for your applications.

NameHost name or the custom name configured while installing the agent.
CPU usage(%)Shows the % of CPU usage on the host.
RAM available(%)Shows the RAM memory available on the host.
Storage available(%)Total disk space available.
Network bandwidth usage(KB/s)The network bandwidth usage.

Standard Dashboard Beta

Following capability dashboards are available for you to comprehend at a glance when you select Standard Beta from the Select dashboard drop-down list.

The Total Application/Servers window displays the total number of applications or servers.

Standard - Total Application/Servers Diagram

standard dashboard - beta

The Apdex for APM & Browser monitoring window displays the apdex score calculated based on the performance of the application.

The Users Impacted window displays the total number of users impacted for Mobile and Browser monitoring capabilities.

Standard - Apdex for APM and Browser Monitoring Diagram

The Top Applications Response Time widget displays the top applications response time in milliseconds.

Standard - Top Applications Response Time Diagram

The Alerts window displays alerts by capabilities and top ten applications.

Standard - Alerts Diagram

Customizing Dashboards

Role: SOE, SRE, L1, and L2 support

You can customize dashboards from the Home page once you login to the SixthSense portal using the Add dashboard tab. Customizing dashboards represents the summary of APM, BM, MM, and VM monitoring.

The summary widget represents the following summary of applications and VMs.

APM, BM and MM Application SummaryVM Summary
Application nameHost name name
AVG Response timeCPU %
Calls per min.Memory %
Total CallsDisk Usage
Total ErrorsTotal Alerts triggered
Errors per min.Active/Inactive
Total Alerts triggered

Creating a dashboard and adding widgets

To create a dashboard and add a widget, perform the following procedure.

  1. Navigate to Home on the left pane from the SixthSense Observability portal page.
  2. Click Add dashboard. The Add dashboard screen appears as follows.
Add dashboard
  1. In the Add dashboard window, enter the following details.
NameThe dashboard name. For example LM.
Copy template(Optional) The existing dashboards where the Application summary and VM summary options are already available. Once you select any of these from the drop-down, the following drop-down fields become available.
Select capabilityThis option is available if you have selected Application summary. APM, Browser monitoring, and Mobile monitoring capabilities are available.
Select application
  • For Application summary, the applications for the respective capabilities you have selected earlier are available for you to select. Note: You can multi- select a maximum of 5 applications.
  • For VM summary, the VM applications are available for you to select. Note: You can multi-select a maximum of 5 VMs.
  1. Click Add. A new dashboard by name LM is created and you can now create custom dashboards by adding a widget.
  • Application, Browser, and Mobile Monitoring Summary

    • The application name will have a tick mark where the color of this will be as represented by Apdex score of the application. In the following screen, the tick mark is Amber which means the apdex score is poor. Yellow tick mark would mean fair and Green would mean that the apdex score is good. This tick mark will not be available for Mobile monitoring.

    • Clicking on the alert will take you to the Alerts page and clicking on the other metrics will take you to the specific applications.

    APM summary
  • VM Summary

    • The host’s name will have a tick where the colour of this will be represented by the Active/In-active state of the application.
    • Clicking on the alert will take you to the Alerts page and clicking on the other metrics will take you to the selected VM monitoring page.
  • Select a dashboard from the Select dashboard drop-down list to edit or delete a dashboard.

  • You can create a maximum of 30 summary widgets, and move them around to create a sequence of priority.

  1. Click the Add widget tab on the top right corner of the page. The Add widget screen appears as follows:
Add widget
  1. Enter the following details.
NameName for the widget. For example, LM1 and LM2.
CapabilitySelect a capability from the drop-down list.
ApplicationSelect an application from the drop-down list.
MetricSelect a metric from the drop-down list.
  1. Click Add. The widgets LM1 and LM2 are added under the LM dashboard you created earlier.

Log monitoring

The following log monitoring dashboard is available for you to comprehend at a glance when you select LM from the Select dashboard drop-down list.

The Log Monitoring dashboard displays a similar screen as follows.

Standard - Alerts Diagram

The dashboard contains graph widgets that you have created for various queries and a table below the graph widgets for queries that return non integers.