Couchbase agent
- For prerequisite checks for agent installation, see Prerequisite checks for agent installation.
- Couchbase cluster host
- Couchbase user credentials (user, password)
- Couchbase cluster management and query port access
- agent required access of all nodes through Couchbase user. (agent should be able to curl to the node, management, query port)
curl -u [user]:[password] http://[localhost]:8091/pools
curl -u [user]:[password] http://localhost:8093/admin/vitals
- URL/IP of the SixthSense collector (your tenant URL which will be provided by Customer Support).
- Access token from the SixthSense portal. For accessing the token, see Accessing your Access Token.
- For information about supported agent versions and framework, see Supported agents.
Downloading the agent version 4.4.0 (latest)
For Windows and Linux based servers, use the following link:
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:<TOKEN>" --output ""
Configuring the Couchbase agent
Following is a sample yaml file to configure the agent.
service_name: <couchbase-service-name>
# Login to Sixthsense UI --> Go to Settings on Side Navbar --> Copy Access Token
authentication: <authentication>
# debug|error|info
logging: debug
sixthsense_backend: <collector-host>
# For GCP:
# (One Cloud) For connectivity to backend using intra public network:
# (One Cloud) For connectivity to backend using onecloud private network:
# (For One Cloud) secure: false
# SSL connection with backend true|false
secure: true
# MY | ES | MS | CB | OR
type: CB
hosturl: <couchbase host>
hostProtocol: <http/https>
user: <couchase-user>
password: <couchbase-password>
port: 8091 #management port
n1qlport: 8093 #query port
queryLimit: 10 #no of queries
queryThresholdTime: 1 #millisecond
Running the agent
For Linux:
The agent can be started by running the executable
./sixthsense-couchbase-agent <config-file.yaml>
For Windows:
Extract file and edit the configuration in the yaml file with cluster information.
Open the command prompt with run as Administrator and enter the following command:
nssm.exe install “Service_Name”
In the NSSM service installer screen, the Application tab is selected by default.
Enter the following details:
- Path: meter-agent.exe full path
- Startup directory: folder path
- Arguments: yaml full name
- Click the Details tab.
- Enter the following details:
- Display name: service display name
- Description: service description
- Setup type: select type for setup such as automatic.
- Click the Log on tab.
- Select Local System account radio button.
- Select Allow service to interact with desktop check box.
- Click Install service.