
  1. Navigate to MQ monitoring on the left pane in the Observability portal.
  2. Select Kafka from the Message queue drop-down list.
  3. Click Consumer to view the consumer related details.

A screen similar to the following appears.

Kafka Consumer Dashboard

By default, the **Partition metrics** tab under it is selected and the following widgets are available for you to comprehend metrics in a graph format.

Widget nameDescription
LogProvides insights into how data is being logged, retained, and accessed within the Kafka cluster.
LeadEnsure that leaders are properly distributed across brokers.
  1. Click the Request metrics tab. It contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.
Widget nameDescription
Incoming bytesTotal number of bytes received by the Kafka broker in incoming requests.
Outgoing bytesTotal number of bytes sent by the Kafka broker in outgoing responses.
Average fetch latencyAverage time taken for a Kafka consumer to fetch messages (records) from a Kafka broker.
Maximum fetch latencyMaximum time taken for a Kafka consumer to fetch messages (records) from a Kafka broker.
  1. Click the Connection metrics tab. It contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.
Widget nameDescription
Connection creation rateRate at which new client connections are established with the Kafka broker.
Connection close rateRate at which client connections are closed or disconnected from the Kafka broker.
I/O wait ratioRatio of time spent waiting for I/O operations to the total processing time.
I/O wait time averageAverage time spent waiting for I/O operations, such as disk reads or writes, within the Kafka broker.