Flutter agent
Following are the prerequisites required for installing Flutter.
- Flutter SDK >=2.12.0 <3.0.0
- Android 5.0 or higher - min SDK 21
- Android Gradle Plugin - 4.2.0+
- Gradle version - 6.7.1+
- Mac OS 10.15.7 and above
- iOS 12 and above
- Download Install X-Code 12.2 and above
- Install cocoa pods in the system
Adding SixthSense Flutter dependency
Add Flutter dependency for both iOS and Android using the following procedure.
- In your application's pubspec.yaml file, add the following under dependencies and run the pub get command.
url: https://Flutter-Monitoring:<git-lab-access-token>@artifacts-observability.sixthsense.rakuten.com/sixthsense/sixthsense-mobile-monitoring-flutter.git
ref: develop
path: sixthsense
GitLab acess token will be shared by Rakuten's customer support team at the time of onboarding.
- Make the following changes in your main.dart file.
import 'package:sixthsense/sixthsense.dart';
void main() {
runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>() async {
await sixthsense.initialize();
runApp(const YourApp());
}, (error, stack) {
sixthsense.reportError(error, stack);
- To report handled errors, use the following method in catch blocks from .dart files after importing sixthsense.
import 'package:sixthsense/sixthsense.dart';
try {
throw StateError('try catch');
} catch (e, stack) {
sixthsense.reportHandledError(e, stack);
Configuring for Android
You can configure the agent using the AndroidManifest.xml file.
- Configure the Access Token in the application tag.
<meta-data android:name="com.rakuten.sixthsense.ACCESS_TOKEN" android:value="access-token-here" />
You can find the Access Token from the SixthSense dashboard. (Settings → General → Access token)
- Similarly, configure the reporting Base URL
<meta-data android:name= "com.rakuten.sixthsense.BASE_URL"
Apply the plugin in the module level build.gradle.
apply plugin: "SSNetworkPlugin"
Following are the requirements for the above Http client's auto instrumentation.
- Android Gradle Plugin - 7.1+
- Gradle version - 7.2+
Configuring for iOS
You can configure the agent for iOS using the following procedure.
- Open xcworkspace file in X-Code.
- Open the Info.plist file and add "AccessToken" key as a string.
- Add value for the same.
- Open the Info.plist file.
- Add "EndPointName" key as a string.
- Add the value "https://http-collector-observability.sixthsense.rakuten.com/poc-mobile/" (for OneCloud Platform, use Add the value "https://sixthsense-backend.jpe2-caas1-prod1.caas.jpe2b.r-local.net/mobile".)