Supported metrics for alerts
Metric name | ||
Error | Load | Response time |
Instance response time | Instance error | Instance load |
Endpoint response time | Endpoint error | Endpoint load |
Error code | Apdex | Instance availability |
Endpoint error code |
.Net metrics
Metric name | ||
Instance Clr CPU | Instance Clr Gen0 Collect Count | Instance Clr Gen1 Collect Count |
Instance Clr Gen2 Collect Count | Instance Clr Heap Memory | Instance Clr Total Committed Bytes |
Instance Clr Total Reserved Bytes | Instance Clr Gen0 Heap Size | Instance Clr Gen1 Heap Size |
Instance Clr Gen2 Heap Size | Instance Clr Bytes In All Heaps | Instance Clr Available Completion Port Threads |
Instance Clr Available Worker Threads | Instance Clr Max Completion Port Threads | Instance Clr Max Worker Threads |
Instance Clr Current Logical Thread | Instance Clr Current Physical Threads | Instance Clr Contention Rate |
Instance Clr Current Queue Length | Instance Clr Total Contentions | Instance Clr Exception Thrown Per Sec |
Instance Clr Exception Thrown | Instance Clr Throw To Catch Depth Per Sec | Instance Clr Filters Per Sec |
Instance Clr Finallys Per Sec | Instance Clr Percent Time Loading | Instance Clr Bytes In Loader Heap |
Instance Clr Total Load Failures | Instance Clr Total App Domains | Instance Clr Total App Domains Unloaded |
Instance Clr Total Assemblies | Instance Clr Total Classes Loaded | Instance Clr Link Time Checks |
Instance Clr Time in RT Checks | Instance Clr Time Sig Authenticating | Instance Clr Total Runtime Checks |
Instance Clr CCWS | Instance Clr Marshalling | Instance Clr Stubs |
Instance CLR TLB Exports Per Sec | Instance CLR TLB Imports Per Sec | Instance CLR CIL Bytes Jitted |
Instance CLR Methods Jitted | Instance CLR Time In JIT | Instance CLR IL Bytes Jitted Per Sec |
Instance CLR Bytes Received | Instance CLR Bytes Sent | Instance CLR Connections Established |
Instance CLR Datagrams Received | Instance CLR Datagrams Sent |
Browser Monitoring
Metric name | ||
Error | Load | Redirect time |
DNS time | TTFB time | TCP time |
Trans time | DOM analysis time | FPT time |
DOM ready time | Page load time | Response time |
SSL time | TTL time | First pack time |
FMP time | Apdex |
Mobile Monitoring
Metric name | ||
Total Crashes | Number of Requests | HTTP Response Time |
VM Monitoring
Metric name | ||
CPU usage (%) | Memory used (Bytes) | Memory available (%) |
Memory swap available (Bytes) | Memory swap used (%) | File system available (%) |
Disk reads (Bytes/sec) | Disk writes (Bytes/sec) | Network received (Bytes/sec) |
Network transmitted (Bytes/sec) | Network total (Bytes/sec) | Instance availability |
Synthetic Monitoring
Group level
- Response time
- Availability (%)
Endpoint level
- Endpoint response time
- Endpoint availability
You can configure alerts at group level which will be evaluated aross all endpoints in the group and at the endpoint level for endpoint monitoring.
Application level
Metric name | ||
Error | Load | Redirect time |
DNS time | TTFB time | TCP time |
Trans time | DOM Analysis time | FTP time |
DOM ready time | Page load time | Response time |
SSL time | TTL time | First pack time |
FMP time |
Database Monitoring
Metric name | ||
CPU usage per second | Amount of file read time per second | Amount of file write time per second |
Number of long running (>60s) queries per second | I/O megabytes per second | I/O requests per second |
User transaction per second | Number of redo log file switch | Number of redo log waits |
Hit ratio for the SGA | SGA cacheable memory per statement in MB | SGA cacheable memory per user in MB |
Memory usage in MB | Active Sessions | Abandoned Sessions |
Active Connections | Inactive Connections | Instance Availability |
Metric name | ||
Buffer pool size per database | IO stall | Transaction log growth |
Page file available | Page file total | Active connections |
Memory available | Memory utilization | Background processes count |
Blocked processes count | Disk size | Force parameterizations per second |
Runnable tasks count | Running processes count | Sleeping processes count |
Suspended processes count | Transactions per second | User connections |
Deadlocks per second | Lock waits per second | SQL compilations per second |
SQL recompilations per second | User errors per second | Bufferpool batch requests per second |
Bufferpool page life expectancy | Buffer pool size | System buffer pool hit percent |
System wait time in milliseconds per seconds | Buffer checkpoint pages per seconds | Access page splits per seconds |
Metric name | ||
Inno DB buffer pool pages data | Inno DB buffer pool pages free | Inno DB row lock current waits |
Inno DB row lock time average | Inno DB row lock waits per second | Total open files |
Total open tables | Table locks waited per second | Max connection errors per second |
Max used connections | Insert queries per second | Select queries per second |
Prepared statement count per second | Queries per second | Slow queries per second |
Total threads connected | Total threads running |
Metric name | ||
Number of active connections | Number of disk blocks reads | Number of buffer hits |
Cpu utilization (%) | Memory usage | Network bytes received |
Number of inactive connections | Number of queries cancelled due to deadlocks | Number of queries cancelled due to dropped tablespaces |
Number of queries cancelled due to lock timeouts | Number of queries cancelled due to old snapshots | Number of queries cancelled due to pinned buffers |
Number of rows deleted | Number of rows fetched | Number of rows inserted |
Number of rows returned | Number of rows updated | Number of Sessions |
Number of sessions abandoned | Number of transactions committed | Number of transactions rolled back |
Instance availability |
Log monitoring
Metric name: Value
Kubernetes monitoring
Metric name | ||
Total cluster nodes in Ready status | Total cluster nodes in Not Ready status | Total cluster deployments in Available status |
Total cluster deployments in Not Available status | Total cluster pods in Running status | Total cluster pods in Not Running status |
Total service pods in Not Running status | Node storage used in % |
AWS monitoring
RDS MySQL, RDS MsSQL, and Postgres
Metric name | ||
CPU Utilization | Read IOPS | Write IOPS |
I/O operations waiting for disk access | Milliseconds per read I/O operation | Milliseconds per write |
I/O operation | Freeable Memory | Swap Usage |
Free Storage Space | Network Receive Throughput | Database Connections |
Replica Lag | Read Throughput | Write Throughput |
Metric name | Metric name | Metric name |
Invocations | Errors | Duration |
Concurrent Executions | Iterator Age | Dead Letter Errors |
Throttles | Estimated Cost | Memory Utilization |
Cold_Starts | CPU Total Time |
Metric name | Metric name | Metric name |
ALB Errors | NLB Rejected Request Count | NLB Errors |
NLB Port Allocation Error | NLB Client TLS Negotiation Error Count | NLB Target TLS Negotiation Error Count |
NLB Processed Bytes | NLB Active Flow Count | CLB Total Request Count |
CLB Estimated Processed Bytes | CLB Latency | CLB Errors |
CLB Rejected Request Count | CLB 2XX Count | CLB 3XX Count |
CLB 4XX Errors | CLB 5XX Errors |