Supported metrics for alerts


Metric name
ErrorLoadResponse time
Instance response timeInstance errorInstance load
Endpoint response timeEndpoint errorEndpoint load
Error codeApdexInstance availability
Endpoint error code

.Net metrics

Metric name
Instance Clr CPUInstance Clr Gen0 Collect CountInstance Clr Gen1 Collect Count
Instance Clr Gen2 Collect CountInstance Clr Heap MemoryInstance Clr Total Committed Bytes
Instance Clr Total Reserved BytesInstance Clr Gen0 Heap SizeInstance Clr Gen1 Heap Size
Instance Clr Gen2 Heap SizeInstance Clr Bytes In All HeapsInstance Clr Available Completion Port Threads
Instance Clr Available Worker ThreadsInstance Clr Max Completion Port ThreadsInstance Clr Max Worker Threads
Instance Clr Current Logical ThreadInstance Clr Current Physical ThreadsInstance Clr Contention Rate
Instance Clr Current Queue LengthInstance Clr Total ContentionsInstance Clr Exception Thrown Per Sec
Instance Clr Exception ThrownInstance Clr Throw To Catch Depth Per SecInstance Clr Filters Per Sec
Instance Clr Finallys Per SecInstance Clr Percent Time LoadingInstance Clr Bytes In Loader Heap
Instance Clr Total Load FailuresInstance Clr Total App DomainsInstance Clr Total App Domains Unloaded
Instance Clr Total AssembliesInstance Clr Total Classes LoadedInstance Clr Link Time Checks
Instance Clr Time in RT ChecksInstance Clr Time Sig AuthenticatingInstance Clr Total Runtime Checks
Instance Clr CCWSInstance Clr MarshallingInstance Clr Stubs
Instance CLR TLB Exports Per SecInstance CLR TLB Imports Per SecInstance CLR CIL Bytes Jitted
Instance CLR Methods JittedInstance CLR Time In JITInstance CLR IL Bytes Jitted Per Sec
Instance CLR Bytes ReceivedInstance CLR Bytes SentInstance CLR Connections Established
Instance CLR Datagrams ReceivedInstance CLR Datagrams Sent

Browser Monitoring

Metric name
ErrorLoadRedirect time
DNS timeTTFB timeTCP time
Trans timeDOM analysis timeFPT time
DOM ready timePage load timeResponse time
SSL timeTTL timeFirst pack time
FMP timeApdex

Mobile Monitoring

Metric name
Total CrashesNumber of RequestsHTTP Response Time

VM Monitoring

Metric name
CPU usage (%)Memory used (Bytes)Memory available (%)
Memory swap available (Bytes)Memory swap used (%)File system available (%)
Disk reads (Bytes/sec)Disk writes (Bytes/sec)Network received (Bytes/sec)
Network transmitted (Bytes/sec)Network total (Bytes/sec)Instance availability

Synthetic Monitoring

Group level

  • Response time
  • Availability (%)

Endpoint level

  • Endpoint response time
  • Endpoint availability

You can configure alerts at group level which will be evaluated aross all endpoints in the group and at the endpoint level for endpoint monitoring.

Application level

Metric name
ErrorLoadRedirect time
DNS timeTTFB timeTCP time
Trans timeDOM Analysis timeFTP time
DOM ready timePage load timeResponse time
SSL timeTTL timeFirst pack time
FMP time

Database Monitoring


Metric name
CPU usage per secondAmount of file read time per secondAmount of file write time per second
Number of long running (>60s) queries per secondI/O megabytes per secondI/O requests per second
User transaction per secondNumber of redo log file switchNumber of redo log waits
Hit ratio for the SGASGA cacheable memory per statement in MBSGA cacheable memory per user in MB
Memory usage in MBActive SessionsAbandoned Sessions
Active ConnectionsInactive ConnectionsInstance Availability


Metric name
Buffer pool size per databaseIO stallTransaction log growth
Page file availablePage file totalActive connections
Memory availableMemory utilizationBackground processes count
Blocked processes countDisk sizeForce parameterizations per second
Runnable tasks countRunning processes countSleeping processes count
Suspended processes countTransactions per secondUser connections
Deadlocks per secondLock waits per secondSQL compilations per second
SQL recompilations per secondUser errors per secondBufferpool batch requests per second
Bufferpool page life expectancyBuffer pool sizeSystem buffer pool hit percent
System wait time in milliseconds per secondsBuffer checkpoint pages per secondsAccess page splits per seconds


Metric name
Inno DB buffer pool pages dataInno DB buffer pool pages freeInno DB row lock current waits
Inno DB row lock time averageInno DB row lock waits per secondTotal open files
Total open tablesTable locks waited per secondMax connection errors per second
Max used connectionsInsert queries per secondSelect queries per second
Prepared statement count per secondQueries per secondSlow queries per second
Total threads connectedTotal threads running


Metric name
Number of active connectionsNumber of disk blocks readsNumber of buffer hits
Cpu utilization (%)Memory usageNetwork bytes received
Number of inactive connectionsNumber of queries cancelled due to deadlocksNumber of queries cancelled due to dropped tablespaces
Number of queries cancelled due to lock timeoutsNumber of queries cancelled due to old snapshotsNumber of queries cancelled due to pinned buffers
Number of rows deletedNumber of rows fetchedNumber of rows inserted
Number of rows returnedNumber of rows updatedNumber of Sessions
Number of sessions abandonedNumber of transactions committedNumber of transactions rolled back
Instance availability

Log monitoring

Metric name: Value

Kubernetes monitoring

Metric name
Total cluster nodes in Ready statusTotal cluster nodes in Not Ready statusTotal cluster deployments in Available status
Total cluster deployments in Not Available statusTotal cluster pods in Running statusTotal cluster pods in Not Running status
Total service pods in Not Running statusNode storage used in %

AWS monitoring

RDS MySQL, RDS MsSQL, and Postgres

Metric name
CPU UtilizationRead IOPSWrite IOPS
I/O operations waiting for disk accessMilliseconds per read I/O operationMilliseconds per write
I/O operationFreeable MemorySwap Usage
Free Storage SpaceNetwork Receive ThroughputDatabase Connections
Replica LagRead ThroughputWrite Throughput


Metric nameMetric nameMetric name
Concurrent ExecutionsIterator AgeDead Letter Errors
ThrottlesEstimated CostMemory Utilization
Cold_StartsCPU Total Time


Metric nameMetric nameMetric name
ALB ErrorsNLB Rejected Request CountNLB Errors
NLB Port Allocation ErrorNLB Client TLS Negotiation Error CountNLB Target TLS Negotiation Error Count
NLB Processed BytesNLB Active Flow CountCLB Total Request Count
CLB Estimated Processed BytesCLB LatencyCLB Errors
CLB Rejected Request CountCLB 2XX CountCLB 3XX Count
CLB 4XX ErrorsCLB 5XX Errors