
Use the following procedure for monitoring the MongoDB database.

  1. Navigate to Database monitoring on the left pane.
  2. Select MongoDB from the Select database drop-down list.
  3. Select a service from the Select service drop-down list.
  4. Select a database from the Select database drop-down list.

A screen similar to the following appears along with the various available tabs.

Mongodb dashboard


The Hardware tab is selected by default. The following widgets are displayed.

Widget NameDescription
Disk usageDisk utilization of host
Host CPU usageCPU utilization of host
Memory usageMemory utilization of host
Netowork I/ONetwork input/output data in MB
Connections & sessionsdatabase number of connections & sessions count

Query Performance

Clicking the Query Performance tab and selecting the threshold from the Query threshold drop-down list displays the following screen.


You can download the Query Performance table in PDF format by clicking the    icon. Only the top 100 entries are downloaded if there are more than 100 entries for downloading.


Clicking the Resource tab displays the following widgets as in the following screen.

Postgres connections
Widget NameDescription
Queues reads and writesDatabase receives more requests than it can process immediately.
Replicates with largest read and write queuesReplicas within a replica set can experience large read and write queues due to various factors.
Max memory usageDepends on several factors, including the server's available physical memory (RAM), the configured WiredTiger cache size, and the operating system.
Percentage of client connections usedindicates how many of the available connections are currently being utilized.
Number of page faults per hostPage faults occur when the database attempts to access data that is not currently in memory (RAM) and must retrieve it from disk.
Number of assetsNumber of assets could refer to documents, collections, databases, or indexes.


Clicking the Performance tab displays the following widgets.

Widget NameDescription
Max replication lagRefers to the delay between when a write operation is applied on the primary node and when the same operation is replicated to a secondary node in a replica set.
Number of open cursors per replicasetRefers to an object that allows a client application to iterate over the results of a query. Tracking the number of open cursors could indicate inefficient queries, poorly managed connections and so on potentially impacting performance.
Number of timed out cursors per replicasetOccurs when a query cursor exceeds the timeout threshold and is automatically closed by the server.
Avg duration of background per replicasetRefers to the average time taken by background tasks within a replica set.
Read requestRefers to a request made by a client application to retrieve data from the database.
Write requestRefers to any operation that modifies data in the database.
Most used replicasets for readsThe read operations can be directed to different members of the replica set depending on the read preference specified.
Most used replicasets for writesWrite operations are always directed to the primary replica in a replica set.
Number of clients with read in-progress or queuedRefers to the number of client connections that are either actively executing read operations or have read requests that are waiting to be processed.
Number of clients with write in-progress or queuedRefers to the number of client connections that are either actively executing write operations or have write operations that are waiting to be processed.


Clicking the Connections tab displays the following widgets as in the following screen.

Postgres connections
Widget NameDescription
Opcountersrefers to operation counters that track the number of database operations executed.
Operation execution timesmeasures the amount of time it takes to execute database operations such as queries, updates, inserts, and deletes.
Query serviceis responsible for processing and executing queries submitted to the database.
Number of connectionsrefers to the total number of client connections established with the database server.
Queuesrefers to the number of operations (reads or writes) waiting to be processed by the database.
Scan and orderrefers to situations where the database must scan documents in a collection and sort them in memory to fulfill a query's sorting requirement.


Clicking the Metrics tab displays the following widgets as in the following screen.

Postgres metrics
Widget/Legend NameDescription
AssertsThe number of message asserts. These are internal server errors that have a well defined text string. Stack traces are logged for these.
meter_mongodb_asserts_msgThe number of message asserts. These are internal server errors that have a well defined text string. Stack traces are logged for these.
meter_mongodb_asserts_regularThe number of regular asserts raised since this process started.
meter_mongodb_asserts_userThe number of user asserts. These are errors that can be generated by a user such as out of disk space or duplicate key.
meter_mongodb_asserts_warningThe number of warnings raised since this process started.
Background flusing flushesBackgroundFlushing_flushes: The number of times the database has flushed all writes to disk.
Background flusing totalThe number of milliseconds (ms) that the mongod processes have spent writing (i.e. flushing) data to disk.
meter_mongodb_connections_availableThe number of unused available connections that the database can provide. Consider this value in combination with the value of current to understand the connection load on the database, and the UNIX ulimit Settings document for more information about system thresholds on available connections.
meter_mongodb_connections_currentThe number of connections to the database server from clients. This number includes the current shell session. Consider the value of available to add more context to this datum. This figure will include the current shell connection as well as any inter-node connections to support a replica set or sharded cluster.
meter_mongodb_cursor_timed_outThe number of cursors that have timed out since the server process started. If this number is large or growing at a regular rate, this may indicate an application error.
meter_mongodb_cursor_total_openThe number of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients. Because MongoDB exhausts unused cursors, typically this value small or zero. However, if there is a queue, stale tailable cursors, or a large number of operations this value may rise.
meter_mongodb_global_lock_active_clientsThe number of connected clients.
meter_mongodb_global_lock_current_queueThe number of operations queued waiting for the lock. A consistently small queue, particularly of shorter operations should cause no concern. Also, consider this value in light of the size of queue waiting for the read lock (e.g. readers) and write lock (e.g. writers) individually.
MemoryA critical resource in MongoDB, affecting the performance and scalability of the database. MongoDB uses memory for caching data, indexes, journaling, and managing client connections, among other tasks.
meter_mongodb_mem_mappedThe number of megabytes of memory mapped by the database. Because MongoDB uses memory-mapped files, this value will be roughly equivalent to the total size of your databases.
meter_mongodb_mem_residentThe amount of RAM, in megabytes (MB), currently used by the database process. In normal use this value tends to grow. In dedicated database servers this number tends to approach the total amount of system memory.
meter_mongodb_mem_virtualThe quantity, in megabytes (MB), of virtual memory used by the mongod process. With journaling enabled, the value of virtual is at least twice the value of mapped. If virtual value is significantly larger than mapped (e.g. 3 or more times), this may indicate a memory leak.
Network_bytesInThe amount of network traffic, in bytes, received by this database. Use this value to ensure that network traffic sent to the mongod process is consistent with expectations and overall inter-application traffic.
Network_bytesOutThe amount of network traffic, in bytes, sent from this database. Use this value to ensure that network traffic sent by the mongod process is consistent with expectations and overall inter-application traffic.
Network_numRequestsThe number of distinct requests that the server has received. Use this value to provide context for the bytesIn and bytesOut values to ensure that MongoDB network utilization is consistent with expectations and application use.
OplogA special capped collection in MongoDB that records all changes to the data in a replica set.
meter_mongodb_opcounter_commandThe number of commands sent to MongoDB.
meter_mongodb_opcounter_deleteThe number of Delete operations.
meter_mongodb_opcounter_getmoreThe number of GetMore operations.
meter_mongodb_opcounter_insertThe number of Insert operations.
meter_mongodb_opcounter_queryThe number of Query operations.
meter_mongodb_opcounterThe number of Update operations.
meter_mongodb_oplog_max_sizeThe maximum size of the operation log
meter_mongodb_oplog_sizeThe size of the operation log
meter_oplog_time_diff_in_secThe difference (in seconds) between the first entry in the log and the last entry in the log
ReplicateRefers to the process of synchronizing data across multiple servers to ensure high availability, fault tolerance, and redundancy.
meter_mongodb_repl_commandThe number of Replicated Commands issued to the database.
meter_mongodb_repl_deleteThe number of Replicated Delete operations.
meter_mongodb_repl_getmoreThe number of GetMore operations. This counter can be high even if the query count is low. Secondary nodes send getMore operations as part of the replication process.
meter_mongodb_repl_insertThe number of replicated insert operations.
meter_mongodb_repl_queryThe number of Replicated Queries.
meter_mongodb_repl_updateThe number of Replicated Update Operations.
Replication_Mystatendicates the current state of a member within a replica set.
Replication_MyStateAn integer between 0 and 10 that represents the replica state of the current member.
Index_MissRatioRatio of index hits to misses. If there are a lot of index misses then you should look at your queries to see if they are optimally using your indexes. You may need to add new indexes to make the queries run faster. You can explain the query to see which index queries are hitting and the total execution time so you can compare query performance before and after adding the new indexes.