
Supported Error Metrics – Language wise

Successful rate scoreIt shows the percentage of the successful request in the selected time window
Successful rate (%)It shows the change in successful rate percentage over time
Service endpoints successful rateIt shows the list of endpoints and their success rate
Endpoint successful rateIt shows the change in endpoint successful rate over time
Service instance successful rateIt shows the change in successful rate over time for the instance
Database access successful rateIt shows the change in database successful percentage over time

Supported Latency Metrics – Language wise

Instance JVM young GC timeTime taken for young generation garbage collection in (ms). It helps to monitor application pauses due to garbage collection
Instance JVM old GC timeTime taken for old generation garbage collection in (ms). It helps to monitor application pauses due to garbage collection.
Instance JVM young GC countCount of objects collected during young garbage collection phase
Instance JVM old GC countCount of objects collected during old garbage collection phase
Service Avg Apdex ScoreIt is the ratio of the number of request having response time below the threshold value (500 ms) and the total number request served
Service Apdex ScoreIt shows the change in Apdex score over time
Service response timeIt shows change in average response time over time
Service response time percentileIt shows the change in various response time percentiles (P50, P75, P90, P95, P99) over time in (ms)
Slow service endpointsIt shows the list of slow endpoints and their response time in (ms)
Slow service instancesIt shows the list of slow instances and their average response time in (ms)
Endpoint avg response timeIt shows the change in average response time over time for the endpoint
Endpoint response time percentileIt shows the change in various response time percentiles (P50, P75, P90, P95, P99) over time in (ms)
Endpoint slow tracesIt shows the list of traces for the top slow request for the endpoint
Service instance latencyIt shows the change in average response over time for the instance
Database average response timeIt shows the change in average response time over time in (ms)
Database access latency percentileIt shows the change in various response time percentiles (P50, P75, P90, P95, P99) over time in (ms)
Slow statementsIt shows the list of the statements having response time higher than threshold of 200ms

Supported Traffic Metrics – By Language

Service load scoreIt shows the average number of request received by the service per minute. It is measured in CPM (Calls per minute)
Service loadIt shows the change in service load score over time
Service endpoints loadIt shows the list of endpoints and the total request received by each one of them
Service instances loadIt shows the list of instances and the average requests received by each instance
Endpoint loadIt shows the calls per minute received by the endpoint over time
Service instance loadIt shows the change in average requests per minute over time for the instance
Database trafficIt shows the calls per minute received by database over time

Supported Saturation Metrics – By Language

Instance JVM cpuPercentage of JVM CPU used by the instance. It helps to monitor CPU usage
Instance JVM memory heapJVM heap memory used by the instance in MB. It helps to monitor memory usage
Instance JVM memory non heapJVM non heap memory used by the instance in MB. It helps to monitor memory usage
Instance JVM memory heap maxMaximum amount of JVM heap memory allocated to the instance
Instance JVM memory non heap maxMaximum amount of JVM non heap memory allocated to the instance
Instance JVM thread live countCount of active threads including both daemon and no daemon threads
Instance JVM thread daemon countCount of active daemon thread
Instance JVM thread peak countCount of live threads since JVM started or peak was reset