Analytics and AD scripts

Using the VM agent, you can supplement the existing metrics in Rakuten SixthSense with your own custom metrics. SixthSense VM agent supports executing of Powershell script which is created by you to capture customer metrics and ingest into SixthSense and this custom data will be available in Analytics feature in SixthSense.

Similar to built-in metrics, your custom metrics are subject to the following SixthSense Analytics features:

  • Alerts
  • Querying the metrics
  • Creating custom dashboard

Add Custom Metrics

To create Custom Metric, you first create a Powershell Script, In this script you can fetch all the customer metrics by using different means. For example, by querying the Windows Counters, or any applications or adding a Powershell Snapin and get additional metrics. Convert this data into a JSON in the form of Key value pair at the end of the script. One agent can run many scripts, but the frequency of script executions and the event name under which these metrics run must report in SixthSense.

A script can be common across multiple VM agents to capture metrics from those servers. Host name and time stamp of the metrics are added by the VM agent automatically. You need not include it as part of your script. When you create a script, you specify the Event in which it will appear in SixthSense Analytics.

If your application uses a large number of SixthSense Analytics with the VM Agent, you may need to increase the size of the memory allocation.

For examples of AD scripts, see AD script examples.