
Use the following procedure for monitoring the Couchbase database.

  1. Navigate to Database monitoring on the left pane.
  2. Select Couchbase from the Select database drop-down list.
  3. Select the cluster from the Select cluster drop-down list.

The following screen appears along with the various available tabs.

Add Alert

Cluster Overview

The Cluster Overview tab is selected by default. The following widgets are displayed.

Widget NameDescription
Cluster CPU usageCPU utilization of cluster
Cluster RAM usageMemory utilization of cluster
Disk usageDisk usage of cluster


Clicking the Node tab displays the following widgets.

Widget NameDescription
CPU usageCPU utilization of node
RAM usageMemory utilization of node
Disk usageDisk usage of cluster node
Swap memoryAmount of swap space used
Node operationsIncludes ops, number of hits and cmd get
Current itemsNumber of current items at node level
Node replicaNumber of node replicas
Docs data size
MCD memoryThe allocated MCD memory


Clicking the Queries tab displays the following widgets.

Widget NameDescription
RequestsNumber of request per node
Request time distributionRequest mean, median, 95 percentile, and 99 percentile
Request thread countNumber of request thread counts
GC countGarbage collection count

Select the threshold from the Query threshold drop-down list.

The following screen is displayed with the query details.

Query threshold

You can download the report in PDF format by clicking Download report.


Enter the name of a bucket in the Search bucket drop-down list. The following widgets are displayed.

Widget NameDescription
Bucket opsBucket operations
Disk usedBucket disk used
Mem usedBucket memory used
Current itemsBucket current items