
Use the following procedure for monitoring the MsSQL database.

  1. Navigate to Database monitoring on the left pane.
  2. Select MsSQL from the Select database drop-down list.
  3. Select a cluster from the Select cluster drop-down list.

The following screen appears along with the various available tabs.

Pages widget


The Database tab is selected by default. The following widgets are displayed.

Widget NameDescription
Buffer pool size per database in bytesThis widget is a graph widget which displays the buffer pool size per database in bytes of the selected database.
IO stall in msThis widget is a graph widget which displays the IO stall in milliseconds of the selected database.
Transaction log growthThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of expansions of the selected database.
Page file available in bytesThis widget is a graph widget which displays the available page file in bytes of the selected database.
Page file total in bytesThis widget is a graph widget which displays the total page file in bytes of the selected database.


Enter the name of a node in the Search node drop-down list. The following widgets are displayed.

Pages widgetPages widgetPages widget
Widget NameDescription
Active connectionsThis widget is a graph widget which displays the active number of connections of the selected node.
Memory availableThis widget is a graph widget which displays the available memory of the selected node.
Memory totalThis widget is a graph widget which displays the total memory of the selected node.
Memory utilizationThis widget is a graph widget which displays the utilized memory of the selected node.
Background processes countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the count of background processes of the selected node.
Blocked processes countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of blocked processes of the selected node.
Disk size in bytesThis widget is a graph widget which displays the disk size (in bytes) of the selected node.
Forced parameterizations per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the forced parameterizations (per secon) of the selected node.
Runnable processes countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of runnable processes of the selected node.
Runnable tasks countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of runnable tasks of the selected node.
Running processes countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the count of processes running of the selected node.
Sleeping processes countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of sleeping processes of the selected node.
Suspend processes countThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of suspended processes of the selected node.
Transactions per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of transactions (per second) of the selected node.
User connectionsThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of user connections of the selected node.
Deadlocks per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of deadlocks (per second) of the selected node.
Lock waits per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of lock waits (per second) of the selected node.
SQL compilations per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of SQL compilations (per second) of the selected node.
SQL recompilations per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of SQL recompilations (per second) of the selected node.
User errors per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of user errors (per second) of the selected node.
Bufferpool batch requests per secondThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of bufferpool batch requests (per second) of the selected node.
Bufferpool page life expectancy in millisecondsThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of bufferpool page life expectancy (in milliseconds) of the selected node.
Bufferpool size in bytesThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of bufferpool size (in bytes) of the selected node.
System bufferpool hit percentThis widget is a graph widget which displays the number of system bufferpool hit percent of the selected node.
System wait time per secondsThis widget is a graph widget which displays the system wait time (per second) of the selected node.
Buffer checkpoint pages per secondsThis widget is a graph widget which displays the buffer checkpoint pages (per second) of the selected node.
Access page splits per secondsThis widget is a graph widget which displays the access page splits (per second) of the selected node.