
Use the following procedure for monitoring the Oracle database.

  1. Navigate to Database monitoring on the left pane.
  2. Select Oracle from the Select database drop-down list.
  3. Select a service from the Select service drop-down list.
  4. Select a database from the Select database drop-down list.

The following screen appears along with the various available tabs.

Oracle Hardware


The Hardware tab is selected by default. The following widgets are displayed.

Widget NameDescription
Disk usageDisk usage of the database server
CPU usageCPU usage of the database processes
Memory usageMemory usage of the database server
Network I/O disk usageNetwork disk usage of the database server
Network I/O disk requestNetwork disk requested from the database server

Query Performance

Clicking the Query Performance tab and selecting the threshold from the Query threshold drop-down list displays the following screen.

Oracle query threshold

You can download the Query Performance table in PDF format by clicking the    icon. Only the top 100 entries are downloaded if there are more than 100 entries for downloading.


Clicking the Connections tab displays the following widgets as in the following screen.

Oracle connections
Widget NameDescription
Number of connectionsRepresents the total connections to the DB server (Count)
Number of sessionsRepresents the total sessions in the DB server
Session detailsDetails of all unique users, number of queries the user is currently running, and last active time of the user


Clicking the Metrics tab displays the following widgets.

Oracle metrics
Widget NameDescription
Host cpu utilizationThis metric represents the CPU used across hosts.
Disk read per secondNumber of times per second the DB server reads from the files (count value)
Disk write per secondNumber of times per second the DB server writes from the files (count value)
Number of long running (>60s) queriesQueries with status as 'active' and type not equal to 'Background' time greater than 60 seconds.
User transactionTotal number of transactions per second (commits and rollback).
Number of redo log file switchCount of 'log file switch completion' event from V$SYSTEM_EVENT.
Number of redo log file waitsCount of 'log file parallel write' event from V$SYSTEM_EVENT.
Hit ratio for the SGAMeasure of the effectiveness of the Oracle database buffer. The higher the buffer hit ratio, the more frequently Oracle found a data block in memory and avoid a disk I/O. Calculated using (physical reads - physical reads direct (lob) - physical reads direct)/ session logical reads.
SGA cacheable memory per statementShared pool cache in SGA per statement.
SGA cacheable memory per userShared pool cache in SGA per user.

Number of long running (> 60s) queries per second

Pages widget