Installing the agent

Install the SixthSense agent for Windows by using the following information and procedure.


  • OS: Windows Server versions 2008R2 and later, and desktop Windows version 7 and later
  • SixthSense Windows Analytics Agent. For more information, see Installing the Agent.
  • URL/IP of the Sixthsense backend collector (the tenant URL provided by Customer Support)
  • Access token provided by Customer Support.
  • PACKAGE_TOKEN - Access Token required for downloading SixthSense Package provided by Customer Support.
  • PACKAGE_TOKEN_USERNAME - Username for Access Token provided by Customer Support.
  • TOKEN - Access Token from the SixthSense portal Settings page.

Downloading the agent

  1. Download latest ss_windows_infra_agent-<version_no>.zip release folder provided by Customer Support.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:{{TOKEN}}" --output ""
  1. Unzip the release zip folder and place it in the agent directory.

Installing the agent

  1. Update ss_windows_infra_agent_config.yaml as in the instructions mentioned in config file Agent resource usage.
# sixthsense-infra-agent can be configured via yaml or environment variables
# Note: Environment Variables are given higher priority over yaml file
# Following are the environment variables that can be set:
# SS_SERVICE_NAME service_name
# SS_AUTHENTICATION authentication
# SS_BACKEND sixthsense_backend
# SS_LOGGING logging
# SS_SECURE secure
# SS_DEFAULTCOLLECTOR default_collectors
# SS_DEFAULTCOLLECTOR_PLACEHOLDER default_collectors_placeholdersixthsense
service_name: <custom_service_name >
# Login to Sixthsense UI --> Go to Settings on Side Navbar --> Copy Access Token
authentication: <service_auth_token>
# debug|error|info
logging: info
sixthsense_backend: <sixthsense_backend_collector>
# For connectivity to backend using intra public network:
# For connectivity to backend using onecloud private network:
# SSL connection with backend true|false
secure: true
# For OneCloud Platform use secure: false
default_collectors: "cpu,cs,logical_disk,net,os,memory,system,iis,process,cpu_info"
default_collectors_placeholder: "[defaults]"
enabled: cpu,cs,net,service`
  1. After configuring the the connection details, start the Agent service from services. The metrics will be available on the dashboard.

Example of executions_config.yaml file for configuring powershell script path.

name: Script_Monitoring
enabled: true
sixthsense_scheduler_backend: <collector_url>
secure: true
access_token: <authentication_token>
logging: info
cronCycle: "*/1 * * * *"
# ----------- Execution task configuration -- --------------
- type: powershell
source_name: activeDirectory_Prod1
enabled: true
timeout: 15
- 'C:/path/AD.ps1'
- 'C:/path/NewFile.ps1'