
Kubernetes monitoring helps you gain visibility into your containerized environments and to identify the root cause of issues based on various operational metrics such as memory, CPU, file system usage, storage and so on. These help in preventing and remediating problems, tune performance, effectively manage cost, usage information for cost analysis, and crucial information for maintaining security.

For more information about installing kubernetes agents, see Installing Kubernetes agents.

Following are the key concepts and components of Kubernetes.

  • Nodes - run your application and are the workers in a Kubernetes cluster. Each node contains services that are required to run pods.
  • Namespace - divide cluster resources between multiples users and are used in environments with many users across many teams and projects.
  • Deployment - is used to manage stateless applications in Kubernetes and ensures that the current state matches the desired state.
  • Statefulset - are used for applications that require persistent storage and stable, unique network identifiers, like databases.
  • Daemonset - ensures that all or some nodes run a copy of a pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, pods are added to them.
  • Pods - A pod is the smallest Kubernetes object and represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster. Pods contain one or more containers, such as Docker containers.

For more information about using the dashboard, see Kubernetes Monitoring Dashboard.