
Namespaces are virtual clusters within a Kubernetes cluster which divides resources logically into groups. It helps organize and segreate resources.

The Namespace card displays all the namespaces within a cluster. Each namespace displays the following metric details as in the following screen.

Kubernetes namespace

Total podsThe number of pods that represent one or more containers and share resources.
Total ServicesThe number of services that expose an application running on a set of pods as a network service.
Total deploymentsThe number of deployments that manage the lifecycle of pods and replicasets.
Total statefulsetsThe number of statefulsets which are a workload API object used to manage stateful applications.
Total daemonsetsThe number of daemonsets that ensures a copy of a pod runs on each node in the cluster.
StatusThe status of the namespace i.e. if it is actively running or not.

Click View all in the Namespace card header to view all the available namespaces.