
The Pods card displays the pod names along with its metrics as in the following screen.

Kubernetes pods

The following metric detail columns are available.

Column nameDescription
Pod NameThe pod names deployed.
Namespacehe deployment within a namespace.
CPU usage (cores)The amount of CPU resources consumed by the containers running inside a pod.
Memory usage (MB)The amount of memory resources consumed by the containers running inside a pod.
StatusThe state and health of a pod as part of a deployment.

Viewing pod details

Click any pod name you want to view in the Pods card.

The following details of the selected pod are displayed in a dashboard.

The top header displays if the pod is ready or scheduled, pod status, and the total number of pod restarts.

The following graph widgets related to the pods are available.

  • Cores
  • CPU usage
  • Memory
  • Memory usage (MB)
  • FS throughput
  • FS I/O

Click View all in the Pods card header to view all the available pods.