VM Monitoring Dashboard
The VM Monitoring home page allows you to select a group which can contain many VMs associated to a group. Grouping VMs enhances role-based access control, enables custom labeling and tagging, high-level view of system performance. You can efficiently manage and monitor large-scale VM deployments in turn gaining valuable insights into overall performance and behavior of your system.
Navigate to VM monitoring on the left pane from the SixthSense portal home page. The following VM monitoring dashboard appears.
Click the drop-down list next to the Total instances field and the groups/VMs you have created are listed. Select either a Linux/Windows VM group or a VM and view a list of VMs in the Hostname column which are monitored by the SixthSense VM agent.
The number of VMs are displayed next to Total Instances.
You can enter a Linux/Windows VM name in the Search VMs field and click the icon to search for a VM.
The VM monitoring dashboard contains the following details in columns for both Linux/Windows VMs.
- Hostname – Host name or the custom name configured while installing the agent.
- CPU usage(%) – shows the % of CPU usage on the host.
- RAM available(%) – Shows the RAM memory available on the host.
- Storage available(%) – Total disk space available.
- Network bandwidth usage(KB/s) – The network bandwidth usage.
- Availability(%) - Availability of VMs.
Dashboard for Linux VMs
Click on a VM name listed under the Hostname column in the VM monitoring dashboard to get more details related to the selected Linux VM.
The widgets that appear in the VM dashboard are described below. You can expand, contract, and reset the view to the default timeline by clicking the icons available on the top right corner of the widgets. For more information about performing various actions, see Working with a widget in Managing Dashboards.
Performance Summary
![VM - Performance Summary](/observability/img/vm-performance-summary.png)
This card contains details such as the OS and flavor used, its architecture, hostname, CPU usage, status of the VM including its RAM usage and availability in %, number of cores and active process count.
CPU average used (%)
![VM - CPU average used](/observability/img/vm-cpu-avg-used-linux.png)
This widget represents CPU average usage on the host, and it is based on CPU status breakdowns such as idle, iowait, irq, nice, softirq, steal, system, and user cpu usage.
CPU load average
![VM - CPU load average](/observability/img/vm-cpu-load-avg-linux.png)
This widget represents CPU load average usage on the host, and it is based on CPU load breakdowns such as meter_vm_cpu_load usage.
Memory ram (MB)
![VM - Memory ram](/observability/img/vm-mem-ram-linux.png)
This widget represents RAM memory usage in MB on the host, and it is based on Memory load breakdowns such as Total memory, available memory and used memory usage.
Memory swap (MB)
![VM - Memory swap](/observability/img/vm-mem-swap-linux.png)
This widget is a graph and presents swap memory usage with breakdowns of swap memory free and swap memory total.
File system mount point usage (%)
![VM - File system mount point usage](/observability/img/vm-file-sys-point-linux.png)
This widget is a graph and presents space usage based on volume present on the host.
Disk R/W (KB/s)
![VM - Disk R/W](/observability/img/vm-disk-rw-linux.png)
This widget is a graph and presents Read and Writes on the disk in KBs.
Network status
![VM - Network status](/observability/img/vm-netw-stat-linux.png)
This widget is a graph which presents Network usage breakdown to connection status like established estab, tcp_tw, TCP_alloc, scoekts_used, udp_in use.
Network bandwidth usage (KB/s)
![VM - Network bandwidth usage](/observability/img/vm-netw-band-linux.png)
This widget is a graph which presents Network bandwidth in KBs received and transmitted.
Filefd allocated
![VM - Filefd allocated](/observability/img/vm-filefd-linux.png)
This widget is a graph which presents Files allocated in KBs.
Process CPU usage summary
![VM - Process CPU usage summary](/observability/img/vm-proc-cpu-linux.png)
This is a single tabular card that shows the process id, process name, process path, and current CPU usage in percentage.
Process RAM usage summary
![VM - Process RAM usage summary](/observability/img/vm-proc-ram-linux.png)
There is a single tabular card that shows the process id, process name, process path, and current RAM usage in MB on the host.
Dashboard for Windows VMs
Click on a VM name listed under the Hostname column in the VM monitoring dashboard to get more details related to the selected Windows VM.
The widgets that appear in the VM dashboard are described below. You can expand, contract, and reset the view to the default timeline by clicking the icons available on the top right corner of the widgets. For more information about performing various actions, see Working with a widget in Managing Dashboards.
Performance Summary
The Performance Summary card contains information related to the Windows VM as follows.
![VM Performance Summary](/observability/img/vm-performance-summary-win.png)
Card name | Description |
OS & Flavor | This card provides the information related to server flavor. |
Architecture | This card provides the information related to server architecture. |
CPU Usage (%) | This card provides information related to CPU usage. |
Hostname | The host name of the VM where agent is installed. |
Status | This card provides information of the VM where the agent is installed as Active/InActive. These metrics are defined based on last 5 minutes of data. If the agent data is not present for last 5 minutes or more, then the VM is considered as InActive. If not, it is considered as Active. |
Ram Usage (GB) | This card represents the RAM memory usage on the host in GBs. |
Swap Memory | This card represents the % reads and writes on to the swap memory. |
Apppools Deployed | This card represents the number of App Pools deployed on IIS on the host. |
Swap Usage (%) | This card represents the amount of disk space used as a substitute for RAM when the system runs out of physical memory. |
The widgets that appear in the VM dashboard are described below. You can expand, contract, and reset the view to the default timeline by clicking the icons available on the top right corner of the widgets. For more information about performing various actions, see Working with a widget in Managing Dashboards.
CPU usage (%)
![VM - CPU usage](/observability/img/vm-cpu-usg-win.png)
This widget provides information related to the CPU usage.
Disk utility
![VM - Disk utility](/observability/img/vm-cpu-usg-win.png)
Memory usage (RAM)
![VM - Memory usage](/observability/img/vm-mem-usg-win.png)
System & user CPU usage
![VM - System & user CPU usage](/observability/img/vm-sys-user-cpu-win.png)
Disk R/W (KB/s)
![VM - Disk R/W](/observability/img/vm-disk-rw-win.png)
Network packet status
![VM - Network packet status](/observability/img/vm-netw-packt-win.png)
CPU usage/app process
![VM - CPU usage/app process](/observability/img/vm-cpu-usg-win.png)
Worker set/app process
![VM - Worker set/app process](/observability/img/vm-workr-set-app-win.png)
Worker process/app process
![VM - Worker process/app process](/observability/img/vm-workr-pro-app-pro-win.png)
Application pool events
![VM - Application pool events](/observability/img/vm-appln-pool-win.png)