Installing agents

To start the installation, use the following command.

nohup ./ss_infra_agent_service --collector.processes &

In case of network restrictions, pass proxy to the meter-agent process to enable connection to sixthsense-backend.

HTTPS_PROXY=proxy-server:port ./ss_infra_agent_service --collector.processes &
  • --collector.processes – to send process level data
  • nohup - to start with logs, logs will be stored in nohup.out file
  • "&" - to start as background process

Installing agents for Linux


  • For prerequisite checks for agent installation, see Prerequisite checks for agent installation.
  • OS: Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL, CentOS.
  • SixthSense Infra Agent. See Installing the Agent.
  • URL/IP of the Sixthsense collector (your tenant URL provided by Customer Support)
  • Access token provided by Customer Support.
  • PACKAGE_TOKEN - Access Token required for downloading SixthSense Package provided by Customer Support.
  • PACKAGE_TOKEN_USERNAME - Username for Access Token provided by Customer Support.
  • TOKEN - Access Token from the SixthSense portal Settings page.

Downloading the agent

  1. Download latest ss_infra_agent-x.x.x.linux-amd64.tar.gz release binary provided by Customer Support.
export PACKAGE_TOKEN="token"
export AGENT_VERSION="2.2.0"
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${PACKAGE_TOKEN}" --output ss_infra_agent-${AGENT_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz "${AGENT_VERSION}/ss_infra_agent-${AGENT_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz"
  1. Unzip release binary and go to the agent directory.
tar -xvzf ss_infra_agent-${AGENT_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd ss_infra_agent-${AGENT_VERSION}.linux-amd64
  1. Copy the agent binary and config.yaml to the following directory /usr/local/bin

  2. Give permission to the binary for all users chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/ss_infra_agent

  3. Give permission to the binary for all users chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/ss_infra_agent_service

  4. Create a service file in /etc/systemd/system directory using the following command.

  • cd /etc/systemd/system
  • sudo vi ss_infra_agent.service
  1. Add the following contents to the file:
Description=Sixthsense Infra Agent
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ss_infra_agent_service --collector.processes

Save and close the file.

  • If your service requires network connectivity, remove the line.
  • Set Type=simple if your command doesn't fork into background or set Type=forking if it forks.
  • Set Restart=always to make sure the service is restarted automatically if it fails or stops.
  • Set RestartSec to specify the time between restart attempts.
  1. Reload the systemd daemon to read the new service file.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  1. Start the agent as systemctl service

sudo systemctl start ss_infra_agent_service

  1. Check the service status to ensure that it is running.

sudo systemctl status ss_infra_agent_service

  1. Enable the service to start automatically on boot.

sudo systemctl enable ss_infra_agent_service

  1. Check the logs.

journalctl -u processname -n 100

On booting, the VM Agnet will start automatically and will be restarted if it crashes or stops for some reason.

Installing agents for Windows


  • OS: Windows Server versions 2008R2 and later, and desktop Windows version 7 and later
  • SixthSense Windows VM Agent. For more information, see Installing the Agent.
  • URL/IP of the Sixthsense backend collector (the tenant URL provided by Customer Support)
  • Access token provided by Customer Support.
  • PACKAGE_TOKEN - Access Token required for downloading SixthSense Package provided by Customer Support.
  • PACKAGE_TOKEN_USERNAME - Username for Access Token provided by Customer Support.
  • TOKEN - Access Token from the SixthSense portal Settings page.

Downloading the agent

  1. Download latest ss_windows_infra_agent-<version_no>.zip release folder provided by Customer Support.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:{{TOKEN}}" --output ""
  1. Unzip the release zip folder and place it in the agent directory.

Installing the agent

  1. Update ss_windows_infra_agent_config.yaml as in the instructions mentioned in config file Agent resource usage.
# sixthsense-infra-agent can be configured via yaml or environment variables
# Note: Environment Variables are given higher priority over yaml file
# Following are the environment variables that can be set:
# SS_SERVICE_NAME service_name
# SS_AUTHENTICATION authentication
# SS_BACKEND sixthsense_backend
# SS_LOGGING logging
# SS_SECURE secure
# SS_DEFAULTCOLLECTOR default_collectors
# SS_DEFAULTCOLLECTOR_PLACEHOLDER default_collectors_placeholdersixthsense
service_name: <custom_service_name >
# Login to Sixthsense UI --> Go to Settings on Side Navbar --> Copy Access Token
authentication: <service_auth_token>
# debug|error|info
logging: info
sixthsense_backend: <sixthsense_backend_collector>
# For connectivity to backend using onecloud private network:
# For connectivity to backend using intra public network:
# SSL connection with backend true|false
secure: true
# For OneCloud Platform use secure: false
default_collectors: "cpu,cs,logical_disk,net,os,memory,system,iis,process,cpu_info"
default_collectors_placeholder: "[defaults]"
enabled: cpu,cs,net,service`
  1. After configuring the the connection details, start the Agent service from services. The metrics will be available on the dashboard.