Release Notes

Version 04.10.00

Release Date: 18.07.2024

New Features


The Analytics capability helps in viewing the performance count of the various events, faults, cache bytes and so on in the Active Directory services. For more information, see Analytics.

Kafka Message Queue

Apache Kafka message queue has been introduced in this release which facilitates effective exchange of information between different systems, applications, or microservices. For more information see, Kafka Overview.


Kubernetes Monitoring

Kubernetes monitoring helps you gain visibility into your containerized environments and to identify the root cause of issues based on various operational metrics. New metrics have been introduced. For more information, see Kubernetes Overview.

Alerts and Notifications

You can now configure SMTP server to receive email notifications. For more information, see Configuring SMTP server.

Dynamic baselining option while configuring alerts is now available for APM, Browser and Mobile monitoring capabilities. For more information, see Aggregation types and Dynamic Baseline Aggregator.

Application Performance Monitoring

Support for code profiler for .Net framework and .Net core is now available for .Net framework version 2.1 and above and .Net core version 2.0 and above.

The code profiler for .NET framework/core provides detailed insights into the functionality of .Net applications. For more information, see .Net metrics.

Log Monitoring

You can now install Fluent Bit for log monitoring. For more information, see Installing Fluent Bit and to enrich the logs with richer trace context information, see Log trace correlation.

Version 04.09.00

Release Date: 29.04.2024

New Features

UI Enhancements

Some of the UI enhancements implemented are as follows:

Version 04.08.00

Release Date: 12.03.2024

New Features

Creating a Custom Dashboard

A platform administrator can now create custom dashboards which represents the summary of APM, BM, MM, and VM monitoring. For more information, see Customizing dashboards.

Externalizing APIs

New APIs for metrics are externalized such as Getting all instances or endpoints for ServiceID, Getting all supported metrics for Service ID, Getting metric values for ServiceID, and Searching all services by capability. You can use these to accelerate development, save cost, leverage external services and so on. For more information, see the relevant topics under Externalizing APIs > API Metrics from the documentation topics on the left pane.

Active instances

The Instance screen displays details of all the instances on which a particular application is installed including number of active instances. For more information, see Instance.

Usage dashboard

The usage dashboard gives you a holistic view of the usage metrics for APM, Browser, Mobile, Database, VM, and Kubernetes Monitoring capabilities. For more information, see Usage.


A platform administrator can now create and assign roles to a user to restrict the access for the user on the SixthSense Platform. For more information, see Creating Role Based Users and Accessibility

UI enhancements

The UI has been enhanced in the following capabilities:

  • Apdex score widget in APM, Browser, and Mobile monitoring
  • World map in browser and mobile monitoring

Deadlock (MYSQL)

Enabling deadlock permission is now available while installing MySQL database

Known Issue

The Y axis data point overflows beyond the Y axis line when Apex Charts with large data sets are zoomed-in.

Version 04.06.00

Release Date: 20.11.2023

New Features

Transaction naming convention

You can now configure a single rule for an entire application or configure multiple rules for an application. For more information, see Transaction naming convention.

MQ monitoring

ActiveMQ is a method of sending messages from one point to another or from one service to another. For more information, see MQ monitoring.

Digital Experience

Digital experience helps monitor and manage the experience of the user interacting with applications, websites, and so on. For more information, see Digital experience.

Database monitoring

The database monitoring dashboard has been enhanced to include various options such as query performance, metrics, connections and so on. For more information, see Dashboard.

APM to Infra correlation

You can now view the Infrastructure overview screen where you can see the details of the VM that is associated with the application. For more information, see Topology with Infra Correlation.

Method level profiling

Method-level profiling helps identify and improve performance of an application. Method name column in the APM Trace window has been added.

Downloading reports

You can now download reports for APM, Browser, Mobile, and Database monitoring. For more information see the following sections:

Downloading reports

  • Mobile monitoring

Downloading reports

  • Database monitoring

You can download the query performance table for MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, Couchbase, and Cassandra databases.

Version 04.05.00

Release Date: 16.10.2023

New Features

APM - Infra correlation

Correlating application details with a VM from the APM capability is now available. For more information, see Infrastructure.

Log Monitoring

Saved search makes it easier for you to access and analyze log information by quicly applying predefined search criteria. Log entries matching a saved search can trigger alerts, saved searches simplify the process by storing these detailed configurations for later use, reuse of saved searches saves time and so on. For more information, see Free text search, creating saved searches and managing them View Saved Searches, adding log monitoring dashboard, and log monitoring alerts have been introduced in this release.


  • Tagging alerts

Tagging alerts with either labels or keywords based on the nature, source, severity and so on help in quickly categorizing for better analysis. For more information, see Tagging and grouping alerts.

  • Aggreation types and Dynamic Baseline Aggreator

Dynamic Baseline option automatically calculates the threshold value. Note: Metrics that have aggregators other than Average and Count, will not have the Dynamic Baseline aggregator option. For more information, see Aggregation types and Dynamic Baseline Aggregator.

  • Kubernetes monitoring alerts

K8s alerts has been introduced in this release. For more information, see Kubernetes monitoring alerts.

Externalizing APIs

New APIs for APM are now externalized for alert manager. You can use these to accelerate development, save cost, leverage external services and so on. For more information, see Externalizing APIs.

Version 04.04.00

Release Date: 22.07.2023

New Features

Synthetic Monitoring

Secret and token manager is introduced in this release. For more information about secret manager, see Secret Manager and for token manager, see Token Manager.

VM Monitoring

You can now group VMs so that it enhances role-based access control, enables custom labeling and tagging, high-level view of system performance and so on. For more information, see VM Monitoring Dashboard.

APM alerts

You can now configure alerts for endpoints and instances on applications. Alerts are triggered for each endpoint and instances based on the relevant metrics selected. For more information, about creating APM alerts see APM alerts and for the supported metrics, see Supported metrics for alerts.


Pulse database changes

Synthetic monitoring pulse database is now changed from MySQL to ClickHouse, thus improving its performance.

Version 04.03.00

Release Date: 28.06.2023

New Features

OTel agent

Open Telemetry (OTel) a vendor-neutral open-source Observability framework has been introduced in this release. For more information about the OTel overview and OTel agent installation, see OTel overview and OTel agent installation.

.Net agent

A new single unified agent for both .Net core and .Net Full Framework Agent v2.0.0 is now available. For more information about .Net overview and agent installation, see .Net support overview and .Net agent installation.

Cassandra agent

Cassandra agent has been introduced in this release. For more information about installing Cassandra agent, see Cassandra agent.

Flutter agent

Flutter agent has been introduced for both iOS and Android. For more information about installing Flutter agent, see Flutter agent.


Database instance downtime alert

You can get alerts on the database instance availability for Oracle and PostgreSQL databases using the Instance availability metric. For more information about the available metrics, see Supported metrics for Oracle and Supported metrics for PostgreSQL.

Oracle v2.0.0

New metrics for Oracle hardware, query performance, connections, and metrics is now added. For more information, see Oracle metrics.

PostgreSQL v1.0.0

New metrics for PostgreSQL hardware, query performance, connections, and metrics is now added. For more information, see PostgreSQL metrics.

Version 04.02.00

Release Date: 23.05.2023

New Features

PostgreSQL agent

PostgreSQL agent has been introduced in this release. For more information, see PostgreSQL agent.


Synthetic Monitoring Alerts

Synthetic Monitoring alerts for a single or multiple endpoints under a group or all endpoints for all groups is now available. For more information, see Synthetic Monitoring Alerts.

Email Notifications

The email notification for alerts has been enhanced to include detailed informaiton. For more information, see Adding an email notification channel.

Version 04.01.00

Release Date: 05.04.2023

New Features

Data retention polices for APM is now available to reduce data stored in segments. For more information, see Data retention policy.

ReactNative for Android and iOS

ReactNative agent has been introduced in this release. For more information, see ReactNative agent.

Oracle database agent

Oracle database agent is now available. For more information, see Oracle agent.

Dynamic banner in the dashboard

A dynamic banner is added to the dashboard on the top header so that any downtime or other announcements will be displayed when the user logs in to the Observability portal. You can disable it by clicking the close icon, but will reappear when you do a hard refresh.


Alerts and Notification channels

The following enhancements have been made to the alerts and notifications:

  • A new create alert form is now available. For more information, see Adding an alert.
  • Generated alerts are sorted by the latest triggered alerts. For more information, see Viewing a configured alert.
  • You can now select multiple notification channels while creating alerts. For more information, see Adding an alert.
  • Webhook template can now be customized by using the Supported webhook variables available. For more information, see Adding a Webhook notification.

Version 04.00.00

Release Date: 20.02.2023

New Feature

Log Monitoring

Log monitoring allows you to track events that occured before and after an issue. Based on these logs, you can respond to issues faster and take preemptive measures to resolve them before it affects the users. For more information about log monitoring, see Log Monitoring.


Synthetic Monitoring

You can now configure auth token framework for an application’s endpoint so that you can authorise endpoint monitoring to obtain limited access to the endpoint using OAuth2.0. For more information, see Step 7 in Creating a new group and adding an endpoint or see Step 6 in Adding an endpoint to an existing group.

Version 03.15.00

Release Date: 12.01.2023


Synthetic Monitoring

Setting up alerts for end points created under a group is introduced for Synthetic Monitoring. For more information, see Supported metrics for alerts.

Application Performance Monitoring

In the Application tab, you can now view percentage of error codes that fall in the 400 and 500 series when you click on the Error widget. For more information, see Error widget.

Known Issue

Synthetic Monitoring alert notifications will only have group details and no endpoint details.

Version 03.14.00

Release Date: 22.12.2022

New Features

  • A new .Net Full Framework Agent version 1.0.0 which supports in instrumenting the .Net full framework based applications has been introduced. For more information, see .Net Overview.

  • Database Monitoring

    Support for MySQL agent version 1.0.00 has been introduced in this release. For more information, see Installing MySQL agent.


Backend performance has been optimized and trace retention is reduced to 15 days.

Version 03.13.00

Release Date: 05.12.2022

New Features

Synthetic Monitoring

  • Duplicate endpoints: You can now duplicate an endpoint so that you don't have to create a similar one again saving time from the Synthetic Monitoring dashboard. For more information, see Managing endpoints.

  • Schedulers: You can schedule a test from the Synthetic Monitoring dashboard and create a test plan by going to the Test Application Platform (TAP). For more information, see Managing endpoints.

Application Performance Monitoring

Query You can view the database queries that are triggered by an application including selecting the response time threshold above which queries will be fetched. For more information, see Query.


The topology information is now displayed in a table format along with the map view. For more information, see Toplogy.


Synthetic Monitoring

  • Synthetic Monitoring stabilization

  • Pulse Optimization

Application Performance Monitoring

The PHP agent is upgraded to reduce the agent installation time by about 90% and supports http reporting for Ubuntu, CentOS, and Alpine. For more information, see Installing from the Debian package.

Version 03.12.01

Release Date: 14.11.2022


Application Performance Monitoring

Navigating to the APM > Database > Query screen now displays the query strings completely.

UI Enhancement

The UI is now scaled to accomodate more number of spans in a trace. Support of upto 3000 spans with in a trace whith out any UI performance impact is now available.

Mobile Monitoring

Mobile monitoring agent now supports performance calls of Volley version 1.1.0 and above and Retrofit version 2.0.0 and above libraries for Android applications.

Version 03.12.00

Release Date: 20.10.2022

New Feature

Standard Dashboard Beta

A new standard dashboard is available which helps you view all the monitored application environments' performance at a glance. Navigate to the Standard Beta option from the Select dashboard drop-down list to view the dashboard. For more information, see Standard Dashboard.


Application Performance Monitoring

The option to choose an Error Code is introduced. You can select an error code while adding alerts. Configuring Alerts.

Synthetic Monitoring

Add endpoint details by manually entering them. For more information, see Creating a new group and adding an endpoint or Adding an endpoint to an existing group.

Alerts and Notifications

The alert emails you receive are in sync with the timezone you have selected in the Settings page. For more information, see Setting up your timezone.

Version 03.11.01

Release Date: 22.09.2022


Application Performance Monitoring

You can now copy the database queries and the values from the endpoint Span info window using the Application Performance Monitoring capability. For more information, see Query under the Database topic and Endpoints under the Trace topic.

Version 03.11.00

Release Date: 13.09.2022

New Feature

The following new feature have been introduced in this release.


Redirecting to metric relevant tabs from an email alert you receive for Mobile monitoring (Crashes or Performance pages) and Database monitoring (Cluster, Node, or Bucket pages) has been introduced. For more information, see Setting up notifications.


Synthetic Monitoring

The following new enhancements were added to this release:

Application Performance Monitoring

Enabling log rotation for Node.js agent has been introduced. You can change the default values by setting max size and max files variables. For more information, see Enabling log rotation.

Version 03.10.00

Release Date: 17.08.2022

New Features

Cloud Monitoring

Cloud monitoring has been added in this release. For more information on installing GKE, see Installing GKE and for GKE dashboard, see GKE dashboard.

VM Monitoring for Windows

VM monitoring for Windows was introduced in this release. For more information, see Dashboards for Windows VMs.

Synthetic monitoring

Set up an endpoint or URL in endpoint availability under Synthetic Monitoring, so that you can check and ensure the availability of the configured URLs at all times. For more information, see Endpoints.


Mobile monitoring agent

Mobile monitoring agent for React Native framework has been introduced for Android and iOS operating systems. For more information, see Supported technologies.

APM service level monitoring

The Service Down and Service Instances Down metrics was introduced to alert you of all the APM instances which are down and of the instances which did not respond with the length of time configured while adding an alert. For more information, see Supported metrics for alerts.

VM service level monitoring

The VM Instances Down metrics was introduced to alert you of the instances which did not respond within the length of time configured while adding an alert. For more information, see Supported metrics for alerts.

Version 03.09.00

Release Date: 14.07.2022

New Features

Synthetic Monitoring

The following DOM metrics was introduced while adding alerts for Synthetic Monitoring.

Metrics Name
Time to first byteDOM analysis timeFirst paint timePage load timeContent transfer time
ErrorsFirst meaningful paint timeTCP timeRedirect timeTime to interact

For more information, see Supported metrics for alerts.

PHP agent support for Ubuntu with Laravel framework was introduced. For more information, see PHP agent and PHP agent on CentOS.


Email alert templates

Email alert templates were updated for all features. For more information, see Example:Email notification template.

Synthetic Monitoring

The Website availability widget was enhanced for Synthetic Monitoring where you can view the website availability, downtime and overall uptime details. For more information, see Website availability widget.


Version 03.08.00

Release Date: 06.06.2022

New Features

Database Monitoring

Alerts was introduced for database monitoring where you will be notified for any issues with the selected database. For more information on configuring alerts, see Alerts.

User Experience > Remember Refresh button preference

Mobile Monitoring

The dashboard for mobile monitoring was introduced. For more information, see Mobile Monitoring Dashboard. The Mobile Monitoring widget in the home page was also added as part of the standard dashboard. For more information, see Standard Dashboard.

Maria DB support

Support for Maria DB was introduced which you can access from the any of the features.

Synthetic to APM and Browser Monitoring to APM

You can navigate to the APM > Trace page where the backend error trace can be viewed. This feature is only available if you have a license to SixthSense APM along with Synthetic and Browser monitoring. For more information, see Errors and Viewing all events for an error.

Synthetic Monitoring

The Website availability widget was introduced for Synthetic Monitoring where you can view the website availability and downtime. For more information, see Website availability widget.