ActiveMQ dashboard

  1. Navigate to MQ monitoring on the left pane in the Observability portal. By default, the Overview tab is selected.
  2. Select Active MQ from the Message queue drop-down list.
  3. Select a service from the Service name drop-down list.
  4. Select a broker from the Broker drop-down list.

The following screen is displayed.

Active MQ Overview

The top pane displays the following cards.

Card nameDescription
UptimeThe time that the instance has been up and running.
No. of producersNumber of producers sending messages.
No. of consumersThe number of consumers connected to ActiveMQ.
No. of queuesNumber of queues created on this ActiveMQ server.
Memory limitMaximum memory limit.
Topic countThe count of topics i.e published messages sent to all subscribers.

The following widgets are available for you to comprehend metrics in a graph format.

Widget nameDescription
Heap memoryHeap memory allocated to JVM.
Non-heap memoryNon-heap memory allocated to JVM other than heap memory.
Memory usagesThe memory used.
No. of queuesNumber of queues created on this ActiveMQ server.
Thread countThe number of threads.
Transport acceptorsAn acceptor defines a way in which connections can be made to the Apache ActiveMQ Artemis server.