
  1. Navigate to MQ monitoring on the left pane in the Observability portal.
  2. Select Kafka from the Message queue drop-down list.
  3. Click Producer to view the producer related details similar to the following screen.
Kafka Producer Dashboard

By default, the Broker tab under that is selected and the following widgets are available for you to comprehend metrics in a graph format.

The Broker tab contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.

Widget nameDescription
Incoming bytesTotal amount of data (in bytes) that is received by a Kafka broker from producers or other brokers within the Kafka cluster.
Outgoing bytesTotal amount of data bytes that is sent out by a Kafka broker to consumers, other brokers, or external systems.
Request sizeSize of requests received by the broker from producers, consumers, or other brokers.
Response rateRate at which the broker sends responses to requests from producers, consumers, or other brokers.
  1. Click the Topic tab. It contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.
Widget nameDescription
Record send rateRate at which records (messages) are sent to a specific topic.
Record send totalTotal number of records (messages) sent to a specific topic by producers.
Record error rateRate at which errors occur when producers attempt to send records (messages) to Kafka topics.
Record error totalTotal errors encountered by a producer when attempting to send records (messages) to Kafka topics.