Kafka dashboard
Navigate to MQ monitoring on the left pane in the Observability portal.
By default, the Overview tab is selected.
Select Kafka from the Message queue drop-down list as in the following screen.
![Select Message Queue](/observability/img/kafka-select.png)
- Select a service from the Service name drop-down list as in the following screen.
![Select Service](/observability/img/kafka-select-serv.png)
A screen similar to the following is displayed.
![Kafka dashboard](/observability/img/kafka-dashboard.png)
The top pane displays the following metrics and you can view total number of the various Kafka concepts at a glance.
Metric name | Description |
No. of brokers | Number of brokers within a Kafka cluster. |
No. of topics | The count of topics i.e published messages sent to all subscribers. |
No. of partitions | Number of partitions i.e. basic units of data organization within a topic. |
No. of producers | The number of producers sending messages. |
No. of consumers | The number of consumers connected to Kafka. |
The Overview concept is selected by default and contains the following tabs.
This tab contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.
Widget name | Description |
Bytes in | Amount of data that is received by the broker from clients or other brokers. |
Bytes out | Amount of data that is sent out by the broker to clients or other brokers. |
Total produced request rate | Rate at which producer clients are sending messages to the broker. |
Total fetch request rate | Rate at which consumer clients are requesting messages from the broker. |
Message in | Rate at which messages are being produced to the broker. |
Leader election rate | Frequency at which leadership of partitions changes within the broker cluster. |
Uncleaned election leader per second | Rate at which unclean leader elections are occurring. |
No. of brokers | Number of brokers that store and manage the data within a Kafka cluster. |
This tab contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the mterics in a graph format.
Widget name | Description |
Request rate | Frequency at which the producer client is sending requests to the Kafka broker. |
Response rate | Frequency at which the producer client receives responses from the Kafka broker. |
Error rate | Frequency at which the producer encounters errors while sending messages to the Kafka broker. |
Request avg latency | Average time taken for the producer to send a request to the Kafka broker and receive a response. |
No. of producers | The number of producers sending messages. |
This tab contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.
Widget name | Description |
Average fetch size | Average amount of data fetched by the consumer in each fetch request. |
Response rate | Frequency at which the producer receives responses from the Kafka broker after sending messages. |
Consumer lag | The difference between the latest message produced by a producer and the latest message consumed by a consumer. |
Message consumed | Messages that have been successfully processed and consumed by the consumer from Kafka topics. |
No. of consumers | Count of active consumer instances that are part of a consumer group and are actively consuming messages from Kafka topics. |