Install by .msi Installer (Windows)
The recommended way to install Fluentd on Windows is to use MSI installers of td-agent. The recommended version of td-agent is v4 packages Fluentd 1.11.x (or later).
td-agent v4
- Install td-agent.
Download the latest MSI installer from the download page. Run the installer and follow the wizard.
Alternatively td-agent can be installed with winget:
- Set up td-agent.conf.
Open C:/opt/td-agent/etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf with a text editor. Replace the configuration with the following content:
- Launch Td-agent Command Prompt.
Open Windows Start menu, and search Td-agent Command Prompt. In most environments, the program will be found right under the "Recently Added" section.
Td-agent Command Prompt is basically cmd.exe, with a few PATH tweaks for td-agent programs. Use this program whenever you need to interact with td-agent.
- Run td-agent.
Type the following command into Td-agent Command Prompt:
Now td-agent starts listening to Windows Eventlog, and will print records to stdout as they occur.
![td agent4 prompt](/observability/img/td-agent4.png)
- Run td-agent as Windows service.
Since version 4.0.0, td-agent is registered as a Windows service permanently by the msi installer. You can start td-agent service manually.
Using GUI
Navigate to Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services, and you'll see Fluentd Windows Service is listed.
Double click Fluentd Window Service, and click Start button. Then the process will be executed as Windows Service.
Using net.exe
Using Powershell Cmdlet
Note that using fluentdwinsvc is needed to start Fluentd service from the command-line. fluentdwinsvc is the service name and it should be passed to net.exe or Start-Service Cmdlet.
The log file will be located at C:/opt/td-agent/td-agent.log as we specified in Step 3.
- Install Plugins. Open Td-agent Command Prompt and use td-agent-gem command:
You must now install the SixthSense log monitoring agent. For more informaiton, see Installing Log Monitoring agents.