.Net agent


Downloading the .Net agent and initialisation

A single unified agent for both .Net core and full framework is supported. Install the .Net agent using the following procedure.

  1. Download the .Net MSI based agent with the following curl command.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:{TOKEN}" --output SixthSense_DotNetAgent_x64-latest.msi "https://artifacts-observability.sixthsense.rakuten.com/api/v4/projects/30/packages/generic/Dotnetframework/v2.2.0/SixthSense_DotNetAgent_x64.msi"

Your local folder screen appears.

.Net Installation

In case of network restrictions you must add http proxy.

  1. Double-click or run the SixthSense .Net Agent MSI with Administrator privilege.

The welcome screen appears.

.Net Installation
  1. Click Next.

The End User License Agreement page appears.

.Net Installation
  1. Select the checkbox to accept the Apache license’s terms and conditions.

  2. Click Next.

The destination folder window appears.

.Net Installation
  1. The default folder where the agent will be installed is displayed. Click Change if you want to choose another destination folder.

  2. Click Next. The backend configuration page appears.

    .Net Installation

For connectivity to backend using onecloud private network: https://sixthsense-backend.jpe2-caas1-prod1.caas.jpe2b.r-local.net

For connectivity to backend using intra public network: https://observability-backend-core.sixthsense.rakuten.com

  1. Enter and configure the HTTP collector HOST URL, collector’s Port Number and Auth License Key to send the metrics from the agent to collector in the respective fields.

For OneCloud Platform perform the following step:

  1. Enter and configure the HTTP collector HOST URL "sixthsense-backend.jpe2-caas1-prod1.caas.jpe2b.r-local.net", collector’s Port Number and Auth License Key to send the metrics from the agent to collector in the respective fields.

  2. Click Next. The installation screen appears.

.Net Installation
  1. Click Install to install the agent. The installation begins and you can see the installation status as in the following screen.

.Net Installation

The following screen appears to finish the installation.

.Net Installation
  1. Click Finish.

  2. (Optional) Select the checkbox to restart IIS. You can see the status as in the following screen.

    .Net Installation
  3. Navigate to your local drive > Program Files > SixthSense as in the following screen.

.Net Installation
  1. Edit the sixthsense.ini file for code profiler with the following configuration file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2022 Rakuten, SixthSense. All rights reserved. -->
<configuration xmlns="urn:sixthsense-config" agentEnabled="true">
<!-- Backend collector connection details configuration -->
<backendCollector host="<COLLECTOR_URL>" port="<COLLECTOR_PORT>" transportType="http">
<account name="UserName" authlicense="<SIXTHSENSE_AUTH_TOKEN>" />
<!-- IIS Hosted applications. -->
<!-- It will allow to instrument all applications. -->
<defaultBehavior instrument="true" />
<!-- Configure IIS hosted applications application Pool name. -->
<!--<applicationPool name="{AppPoolName}" instrument="true"/> -->
<!-- Windows applications / windows services / Executable applications. -->
<!--<application name=""/> -->
<!-- Log level configuration. -->
<log level="Info" />
<codeLevelMetrics enabled="true" />

Uninstalling .Net agent

  1. Navigate to Programs and Features > Control Panel.

    .Net Uninstallation
  2. Right-click on SixthSense .Net Agent application and click Uninstall. The uninstallation screen appears as in the following screen.

.Net Uninstallation