Supported metrics for Alerts
Metric name | ||
Error | Load | Response time |
Instance response time | Instance error | Instance load |
Endpoint response time | Endpoint error | Endpoint load |
Error code | Apdex | Instance availability |
Endpoint error code |
.Net metrics
Metric name | ||
Instance Clr CPU | Instance Clr Gen0 Collect Count | Instance Clr Gen1 Collect Count |
Instance Clr Gen2 Collect Count | Instance Clr Heap Memory | Instance Clr Total Committed Bytes |
Instance Clr Total Reserved Bytes | Instance Clr Gen0 Heap Size | Instance Clr Gen1 Heap Size |
Instance Clr Gen2 Heap Size | Instance Clr Bytes In All Heaps | Instance Clr Available Completion Port Threads |
Instance Clr Available Worker Threads | Instance Clr Max Completion Port Threads | Instance Clr Max Worker Threads |
Instance Clr Current Logical Thread | Instance Clr Current Physical Threads | Instance Clr Contention Rate |
Instance Clr Current Queue Length | Instance Clr Total Contentions | Instance Clr Exception Thrown Per Sec |
Instance Clr Exception Thrown | Instance Clr Throw To Catch Depth Per Sec | Instance Clr Filters Per Sec |
Instance Clr Finallys Per Sec | Instance Clr Percent Time Loading | Instance Clr Bytes In Loader Heap |
Instance Clr Total Load Failures | Instance Clr Total App Domains | Instance Clr Total App Domains Unloaded |
Instance Clr Total Assemblies | Instance Clr Total Classes Loaded | Instance Clr Link Time Checks |
Instance Clr Time in RT Checks | Instance Clr Time Sig Authenticating | Instance Clr Total Runtime Checks |
Instance Clr CCWS | Instance Clr Marshalling | Instance Clr Stubs |
Instance CLR TLB Exports Per Sec | Instance CLR TLB Imports Per Sec | Instance CLR CIL Bytes Jitted |
Instance CLR Methods Jitted | Instance CLR Time In JIT | Instance CLR IL Bytes Jitted Per Sec |
Instance CLR Bytes Received | Instance CLR Bytes Sent | Instance CLR Connections Established |
Instance CLR Datagrams Received | Instance CLR Datagrams Sent |
Browser Monitoring
- Error
- Load
- Redirect time
- DNS time
- TTFB time
- TCP time
- Trans time
- DOM analysis time
- FPT time
- DOM ready time
- Page load time
- Response time
- SSL time
- TTL time
- First pack time
- FMP time
- Apdex
Mobile Monitoring
- Total Crashes
- Number of Requests
- HTTP Response Time
VM Monitoring
- CPU usage (%)
- Memory used (Bytes)
- Memory available (%)
- Memory swap available (Bytes)
- Memory swap used (%)
- File system available (%)
- Disk reads (Bytes/sec)
- Disk writes (Bytes/sec)
- Network received (Bytes/sec)
- Network transmitted (Bytes/sec)
- Network total (Bytes/sec)
- Instance availability
Synthetic Monitoring
Group level:
- Response time
- Availability (%)
Endpoint level
- Endpoint response time
- Endpoint availability
Note: You can configure alerts at group level which will be evaluated aross all endpoints in the group and at the endpoint level for endpoint monitoring.
Application level:
- Error
- Load
- Redirect time
- DNS time
- TTFB time
- TCP time
- Trans time
- DOM Analysis time
- FTP time
- DOM ready time
- Page load time
- Response time
- SSL time
- TTL time
- First pack time
- FMP time
Database Monitoring
- CPU usage per second
- Host cpu utilization (%)
- Amount of file read time per second
- Amount of file write time per second
- Number of long running (>60s) queries per second
- I/O megabytes per second
- I/O requests per second
- User transaction per second
- Number of redo log file switch
- Number of redo log waits
- Hit ratio for the SGA
- SGA cacheable memory per statement in MB
- SGA cacheable memory per user in MB
- Memory usage in MB
- Active Sessions
- Abandoned Sessions
- Active Connections
- Inactive Connections
- Instance Availability
- Buffer pool size per database
- IO stall
- Transaction log growth
- Page file available
- Page file total
- Active connections
- Memory available
- Memory utilization
- Background processes count
- Blocked processes count
- Disk size
- Force parameterizations per second
- Runnable processes count
- Runnable tasks count
- Running processes count
- Sleeping processes count
- Suspended processes count
- Transactions per second
- User connections
- Deadlocks per second
- Lock waits per second
- SQL compilations per second
- SQL recompilations per second
- User errors per second
- Bufferpool batch requests per second
- Bufferpool page life expectancy
- Buffer pool size
- System buffer pool hit percent
- System wait time in milliseconds per seconds
- Buffer checkpoint pages per seconds
- Access page splits per seconds
- Inno DB buffer pool pages data
- Inno DB buffer pool pages free
- Inno DB row lock current waits
- Inno DB row lock time average
- Inno DB row lock waits per second
- Total open files
- Total open tables
- Table locks waited per second
- Max connection errors per second
- Max used connections
- Insert queries per second
- Select queries per second
- Prepared statement count per second
- Queries per second
- Slow queries per second
- Total threads connected
- Total threads running
- Number of active connections
- Number of disk blocks reads
- Number of buffer hits
- Cpu utilization (%)
- Memory usage
- Network bytes received
- Network bytes sent
- Number of inactive connections
- Number of queries cancelled due to deadlocks
- Number of queries cancelled due to dropped tablespaces
- Number of queries cancelled due to lock timeouts
- Number of queries cancelled due to old snapshots
- Number of queries cancelled due to pinned buffers
- Number of rows deleted
- Number of rows fetched
- Number of rows inserted
- Number of rows returned
- Number of rows updated
- Number of Sessions
- Number of sessions abandoned
- Number of transactions committed
- Number of transactions rolled back
- Instance availability
Log monitoring
- Value
Kubernetes monitoring
- Total cluster nodes in Ready status
- Total cluster nodes in Not Ready status
- Total cluster deployments in Available status
- Total cluster deployments in Not Available status
- Total cluster pods in Running status
- Total cluster pods in Not Running status
- Total service pods in Not Running status
- Node storage used in %