Aggregation types and Dynamic Baseline Aggregator

Aggregation type options

Metric NameAggregation typeDescription
  • Error
  • Load
  • Sum
  • Dynamic
  • The sum of alerts that are extracted. Note: The Dynamic option is available only for APM, Browser and Mobile monitoring capabilities.
    Response time
  • Average
  • Count
  • Dynamic Baseline
  • Average is the average response time taken for a specified period of time. Count is the number of alerts that are triggered based on the specified values while adding an alert. Dynamic option will automatically calculate the threshold value. Note: Metrics that have aggregators other than Average and Count, will not have the Dynamic Baseline aggregator option. For an example, see Dynamic Baseline Aggregator.
    Error codeSumSum of alerts triggered with error codes (400-409, 429, 500-504, 511).
    ApdexApdexA ratio of requests that have been satisfied and tolerated to all requests made.
    Instance availabilityDefaultThe number of available instances for which alerts are triggered.

    Dynamic Baseline Aggregator

    Dynamic baseline aggregator for an application metric's threshold will be set as SD*2+Mean

    • Mean is the mean value of the metric value for the selected time period.
    • SD is the Standard Deviation value of the mean.
    • 2 is the default SD multiplier.

    The default time period set is 120 minutes

    An alert will be triggered if the current value of the selected metric breaches the Dynamic baseline threshold value.


    If the response time of an application is 10ms, 20ms, 30ms, 40ms, 100ms for the last 10 mins then

    Mean: (10+20+30+40+100)/5 =40

    Standard deviation =( (10-40)2+(20-40)2+(30-40)2+(100-40)2 )/(5-1)= 1250 =√1250= 35

    SD= 35.

    Threshold value: (35*2)+40 = 100

    Now, if the response time for current minute is greater than 100ms alert will be generated.