
  1. Navigate to MQ monitoring on the left pane in the Observability portal.
  2. Select Kafka from the Message queue drop-down list.
  3. Click Broker to view the broker related details. A screen similar to the following appears.
Kafka Broker Dashboard

By default, the Topic tab under it is selected similar to the following screen. the following widgets are available for you to comprehend metrics in a graph format.

Widget nameDescription
Bytes in per secondRate at which data is received or ingested into a specific topic in Kafka.
Bytes in per second mean valueAverage value of bytes in (per second) over a given time period.
Bytes out per secondTotal amount of data sent or transmitted (per second) out of a Kafka broker or cluster.
Bytes out per second mean valueAverage value of bytes out (per second) over a given time period.
Message count
  1. Click the Broker metrics tab. It contains the following widgets which lets you comprehend the metrics in a graph format.
Widget nameDescription
JVM CPUIdentifies CPU usage patterns for resource optimization.
JVM memoryUnderstand CPU usage patterns for resource optimization.
GC timeunderstand GC behavior, optimizing JVM settings and so on related to garbage collection.
GC countGarbage collection count across different garbage collectors in Kafka.
Thread countUnderstand thread utilization, optimizing concurrency settings and so on related to thread management.
Message countUnderstand message throughput, topic activity, and optimize Kafka configurations for performance.